Πέμπτη 28 Ιουλίου 2016

''What are the best decisions that politics can take for the future of Europe?''

With Europe nowadays turning into an economical battlefield,many problems have occured and their solutions aren't easy to be found or even don't exist.For many years a lot of Europian countries are facing economical crisis which makes their systems hard to control and their populations difficult to survive.Europe is adapting to new challenges by reforming its political system and economic model. It strives hard to remain faithful to all that Europe stands for purified by the purgatory over centuries.

Τρίτη 19 Ιουλίου 2016

Talk about your own idea about future fashion

Fashion is in the sky,in the street,fashion has to do with ideas,the way we live,what is happening..

-Coco Chanel
From this quote of Coco Chanel,we can understand that fashion is something temporary.Actually it depends on us,on our lifestyles.

So we are going to talk about future fashion.In fact,it is impossible to quess but no harm in trying..

Let's use our imagination..

We all know that fashion is an instant language,it is the first thing to identify someone.Probably,with the improvement of technology,our lives will be a bit different than today.

I believe that people will prefer more simple and convenient things like uniforms.